
Interested Membership/Affiliation Information

Thank you for your interest in our club. We would like to start by letting you know a little bit about our club and the way that it works.

What is Elegance? - We are NOT a gang. This is a car/truck club that is solely based on friendship. We are not ElegancE only at runs, shows or other club functions we are ElegancE seven days a week always together always partying, and most of all always a family.

What sets us apart from other clubs? - We prefer to only allow members that live within Simi Valley or within a reasonable driving distance from Simi allowing us to keep proper control as well as closeness. All members/affiliates know and are friends with all other members/affiliates. There are many other clubs out there with lots of different chapters and that don't know their members but only know their cars. We prefer to know you before we know your car. There is absolutely nothing wrong with clubs like that or that large, it's just not our style. Because our club is based solely on friendship our club is not for everyone only the chosen few. This is what keeps us so close.

What is ElegancE known for? - We are not only known for our trucks/cars but for the way we party. After a truck run one of our members was on line talking to someone from another club about the run, during conversation the other club member said "Your from ElegancE? Damn, I saw you guys at the run, you guys are fucking crazy!"

How do you get into ElegancE? - There are three steps to being accepted into ElegancE.

STEP 1 - You must attend 3 consecutive club meetings. You must be on time to all meetings. The club meets every other Thursday at 7:00 p.m. If there is ever going to be a change in the meeting time, place, or date you will be called by the secretary one or two days in advance with the new information. When there is a big event or function coming up we often meet more than twice a month.

STEP 2 - At your fourth consecutive meeting you will be asked to arrive at the meeting 30 - 45 minutes after the rest of the club. During this time, the club will take a vote to decide weather or not we feel that you and your car are ElegancE material. If the club (as a whole) votes yes, you will then enter a "probationary" period. The Probationary period is a 30-day period that gives you and the club a chance to get to know each other better. During this 30-day period, we ask that you attend all meetings, and no less than 3 club functions. Club functions include; runs, shows, parties, etc. We ask that you use these 30 days to get to know us better, get to know what we are all about, and learn how close of friends we ALL really are then decide if this is the type of club that you are looking for. We as a club also use these 30 days for the same thing.

NOTE - After or during your 30-day probation should you decide that you are not interested in our club or that this is not the type of club that you are looking for you can do one of two things

1. Inform the President or Vice President that you are no longer interested in our club.

2. Your not showing up at two consecutive meetings will then inform us that you are not interested and you will no longer be called for meetings.

STEP 3 - Once your 30 days are up you will again be asked to show up to the meeting 30 - 45 minutes late so that the club can revote on your acceptance into ElegancE. This vote is not only based on your car and you as a person but also on how well you fit in to our family (which is why it is important that you attend at least 3 club functions before this vote is made). This vote is silent so the results will not be known until after the meeting. If you have been accepted or not accepted into our club you will be called and informed by the President or Vice President sometime before the next meeting.

What makes you a member? - In order to be considered a member you must first go through all three steps of being voted in. Once you have been voted in, council will make a decision of whether or not you car/truck meets the vehicle specs as written in our bylaws. If your car/truck meets the qualifications, you will then be given the okay to go and get your window. Once you have a window, you are then considered a "member".

What if your car doesn’t meet the vehicle specs? - If your car doesn’t meet specs and you have gone through your three steps and have been voted in you will then be considered an affiliate. This means that you are in the club and definitely an equal person and voice in the club, you are just classified as an affiliate until you get your window.